The Wound that Grows! Address it Today
By Rainbow Abegg
Hydra is a creature in Greek mythology who was half woman half serpent. She is the mother of many monsters in the myths. She is hard to destroy and as part of Hercules 12 labors he was to destroy her. If Hydra represents pain and the wounds of life then what can we learn from this story?
This monster was created by others and was half human, half beast. It is symbolic of half facts and logic and the other fantasy or perception. We all have these weaknesses. We can often have a hard time separating fact and fiction especially if our feelings are involved. Our feelings often become our facts.
What happened when Hercules came to destroy this sea monster living in the marshes of Lerna? He got a big surprise! As they had their encounter he cut off her head and another one grew back. The wound made her stronger. The wound grew from her story. There was only one true head that was immortal but each time he struck a head another one or two would grow back. Fighting her on equal ground made her stronger and gave him a bigger problem.
We can’t face our issues with the same level that they were created. By sticking to our stories and not challenging them or our thoughts and perceptions we can grow the story stronger and build a case for our own negative increase.
Hercules had to get an assistant. He brought in his nephew and together they figured out that not only cutting off the heads would end this ordeal but he had to cauterize it too. Removal and then purify with fire.
To build a better life we often need to remove things, people, beliefs and then to purify it with another step to seal the new part of our lives in place. Fire represents the element of radiance, healing, rebirth, light and new beginnings.
Be mindful to observe what stories are your hydra. You tell and retell them and they grow new heads.
Find the monster in the story and then tell a better story.
Put yourself in as the Hercules in your story. You are the hero here to save yourself. We can get help from others like me, a coach, and we can have a guide to take us deeply into the wound and destroy the old properly and get to the root and build a new story in truth and light.
Find your story. Rewrite it. Get help and self empowerment. Your life can change!
Start today with one step in your healing journey and improve something today in your life. Improve one thought, one action, one aspect of your life. You are not without power. It is within you. The wound does not have the last say in your story. Find the fire within and begin today to claim a new part of your life and to build new neural pathways in your brain. Do it differently and you will begin to understand that your wounds are not who you are. Life can begin again. Today.