The Healing Color of Red
By Rainbow Abegg
Red is a dominant color. It is passion, belief, leadership, in a way life as it is the color of blood. Red gets attention! Think red lips, nails, and red heels. Red captivates and in nature. It brings hummingbirds to the feeder, bees to the flowers, and red roses bring love to couples.
Red is the color of the root chakra. Roots that are healthy grow deep. Our root chakra is about security and basic needs. It is the original family and has many aspects to it. It’s complicated but we can bring red into our lives with purpose. If you are feeling less than confident wear red. Red shoes bring power to your foundation. Red shirt is more like a target so think ‘getting attention’. If you need or want to be noticed then wear red. If you wear red on your lips you will bring attention to your face and if you have something important to say it’s a nice touch to accent the truth with color!
Red pillows or accent colors can make a room pop. Red is a great color to use in the Fame area of your home in Feng Shui. It will help create the energy to get you noticed, help people see you and to be recognized for your efforts. Red is a leadership color and even if you add a red vase at work on your desk it will help to draw in the chi of passion, confidence, and to help get your energy moving.
Red is also the color of sacrifice. You might find wearing red gives you the energy to discipline yourself and also to use as a color to stop over functioning if you sacrifice too much. Stop signs are red and instruct us to stop moving. Take your turn and obey the signs. If you are wearing yourself out and not listening to your body and your life you might do well to wear the color that also says STOP! Wear red to the gym and fire up your workout! Wear red on those days when you can’t say no to others and you’re wearing yourself out. Think of it as energy moving which can and will support you moving and stopping.
Red stones can help to build the characteristics that the color red can bring.
Danger can also be associated with red or even warning signs. Be clear that what you are creating is the intention you set for the red in your life. Red Jasper is great if you feel you are lethargic and need some mojo. Red brings a burst of life and is a loud color. Fire quartz is best used when you are needing to gain courage and have some follow through! Want to ask that girl on a date, lean on red and let a crystal bring a bit of needed motsie. Garnet is one of my favorite stones and it is a deeper red which can heal broken hearts and supports the body too. Healing properties flow from garnet. Ruby is a happy stone that increases joy.
Red foods nourish the body such as beets (they bleed when cut and are said to cleanse the blood). I love to add fresh beets to my smoothies and appreciate their vibrant color. Raspberries, strawberries, apples, radishes, tomatoes, are a few foods that bring goodness to the body, mind, and spirit and the list isn’t complete without my favorite: cherries.
Use red to heal your sense of, “I’m not enough. I don’t feel important. I feel invisible.” Those are just low vibrational notions that do not need to remain strong, lasting, facts about you. You are ever changing. Red can help you master a new belief about yourself.
Write a new affirmation in red: “I am stable, solid, passionate, and I have follow-through.”
Red dye was made from certain roots, clay, and insects. It was highly prized and not easily obtained. Be valuable like red. Rooted, moldable, adaptable. Use red to be the prize and to not easily be obtained but to know your value and to stand in your power.