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The Healing Color of Green

Green is a major, vibrant color on Mother Earth! Green is life. Beautiful green grass, trees, bushes, plants, all radiate the color of the 4th chakra which is the heart center. Green is represented in the very center of our chests and colors our world with life.

Traditional chakra information teaches that the heart chakra serves as the source which flows between the other chakras. The lower ones: red, orange, and yellow meet in the heart center and flow up to the blue, purple, and white higher chakras.

Green is the color of renewal such as that which comes in the springtime. Anahata is the distinct name of the green heart chakra and it translates from Sanskrit to mean; unbroken, unbeaten, unhurt. It is a lovely way to represent the resilience of the heart. Our hearts can heal and can become strong and unbroken, unbeaten, unhurt.

Try adding a few green crystals to your world. Jade is lucky, bloodstones for healing, and even rose quartz and regular quartz bless the heart (which can also be associated with the color pink). You might enjoy the wisdom of Fluorite, Green Jasper, Peridot (great to bless money), and of Emerald.

Think green when giving gratitude's and thanksgiving as a daily practice. Affirm your love and say positive things to yourself and others. Express trust and good will to those around you. Express it to yourself!

Affirmations: “I am a loving, compassionate being of benevolence.” Or add more poetry to your affirmations, “ I am a divine center on earth here to bless and shower the whole human family with love, light, and life.” Bless your words with green light (maybe in a salt lamp), clothing, plants, pillows or by going outside and get up close to green that grows and brings centering. Walk barefoot in the grass in warm weather to help to ground you and bring balance.

Speak your truth into the heart of the inner child until any places inside that still hold hurt and feel wounded can feel the life and your presence with them. Invite the inner child to the park or on a walk to be in the green of the world and to let go of pain and to become unbroken and restored.

Green is wonderful for the nervous system and to help regulate the emotions. It is a color of balance and

What is ‘budding’ in your soul? What dreams and purpose do you have that needs a shot of green t

o help you grow it out! Trust is also heart centered and knowing when to trust and how to trust is important. Boundaries and giving the benefit of the doubt will create safety and honesty for all around.

Green is associated with jealousy but only in underdeveloped situations. Green is like fruit that isn’t ripe yet. Use green to clear the green monster Shakespeare spoke of.

Four leaf clovers don’t have all the magic. It is in house plants and gardens and sometimes in the green eyed person you smile at.

Green is a healing color and can be central to the rest of our personal work as this color is directly in the center of the heart.





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