Procrastination Pandemic in the Mind
Many people want to be finishers and starters. They want to evolve their dreams and live a full life but procrastination steals their motivation and focus. Procrastination is a part of most of our lives. How do we manage it is the trick.
Let’s use the gym as our analogy. You can rebuild your body. You can in fact rebuild your life, your bank account, your heart, your career, your beliefs, your faith. Life is filled with possibilities and you can teach your mind to hope and learn to direct it is a skill. You can be unstoppable.
How? Here’s some training tools.
To get to the gym you first need to make a conscious decision. Get clear on that. Pick the area where you want to grow and become tough. Life is a banquet but we must still eat that full plate one bite at a time.
Next, do some research for at least ten minutes on your topic. Explore it and gain a deeper understanding and stimulate your awareness and direct your mind.
Going to the gym consists of faithful workouts to build muscle memory but you need to know what you are doing. There will also be needed rest days and always a warm up before you start. There are different training methods. You might do best working with a trainer (or for mind and spiritual work a coach like me). Know your weak areas and build slowly to avoid injury and pain. There is cardio, weights, classes, a variety of methods that will work but you need to know what interests you and challenge yourself to try new things. New equals growth.
Stretching is important too as much as the work out. Plus you need proper fuel. Eat right and eat enough of healthy things to build your body. Drink water generously. To create on all levels this step is needed.
Respect recovery periods. You need rest. No perfectionism. It is a limitation and will knock you flat.
Measure your progress but also trust that it is a process. Change can become your new lifestyle as you train your mind. It is a practice.
Conditioning of the mind has happened to all of us as we grew up: low self esteem, emotional eating, people pleasing, hiding the real self, shame, control and many others. Humans train other humans into the good and the bad world of beliefs.
Watch my video on Resolutions for the New Year and how to make it happen. That is a blueprint to go with this video for your success. Train yourself.
Here are three steps to help you manage procrastination:
Begin your day with prayer, meditation, or some form of getting quiet. Tune into your inner guidance system. A suggested simple prayer is, “God/Universe I am listening. You know my desires, please open my path for my blessings and benefits.”
“There is no procrastination in the spiritual realm, only in the mind and the mind can be trained.” ~Rainbow Abegg~
Write down your intuitive guidance for today. What inspiration comes to you from your prayers?
Does it pass the test of light? You can do a simple test to make sure you are not in your own way.
Does this guidance honor you, others and your God Source? Is it based on a foundation of love? Does it feel like energy moving happily in your heart or is it blocked?
Proper direction is not tainted by limiting beliefs and will pass the test. Honor, love, and light. If it does not pass it then your conditioning/programming is in the way. Scale back and cross things off until your list feels happy in your heart. Then you are out of ego.
I’ve coached thousands of people and have watched them become highly successful by finding their baby steps through spiritual attunement. Managing procrastination and trusting inspiration will carry you through and allow you to unfold into the best you possible.