Invoking Love
An invocation is an incantation to bring the supernatural power of the Universe/God into our lives. It is a prayer. An invitation and a calling upon the Higher Power to hear us and to answer with grace for that which we supplicate.
Love is the greatest force and it is often limited due to our pain, upbringing, trauma’s, judgments, and beliefs that hold us back and make us feel small. Many times these same issues we use to make others feel small.
The world is full of mean, abusive, unforgiving people. I truly believe if we knew each person’s story it would soften hearts and deepen understanding but judgment is rampant and stone throwing easier than waiting for peace and forgiveness to flow.
The truth is that hate is easy. It’s lazy too. It approves of anger, bitterness, harshness, belittling, and abuse. There is no gray line here. Rather people do it in person, online, in text, or by isolating and ignoring it is hate and it is low vibration. Low vibration is the opposite of the true Source and in the end it ruins the person who bears the energy.
Love is truth and once we remove that which blocks us from our love then it too will be easy. Love is a choice. We can choose love and live or choose hate and die to the light within us.
How do you invoke love?
Take a piece of paper and write down your love wish. Write down the beautiful things you want to be or to give. Write down the forgiveness you seek or need to give. Write down the most pure in heart desire you have and then put it in a special place. I keep mine in a wooden box called my God Box. You can call yours whatever suits your beliefs. Write it, read it, and put it in the box that will transport your prayers to the heavens and invoke with supernatural powers the love that you seek.
Actually try the tricks of the trade as they train the subconscious mind to listen to the very best that is within you. Invoking love is a sacred prayer and I have found that it works and has blessed my life when I’ve been in difficult moments and I find that invoking love brings out the best in me and allows me to learn and keep growing. I want to forgive and live my life forward and build and give. When each reader invokes love we have started a movement that will not be stopped.
Love is more powerful than hate.