I’m Stuck!
Being stuck is actually pretty normal. We all want to do better and the human drive to survive and live creates incentives. Add conditioning from childhood about success and either encouragement or discouragement and you have a formula for getting stuck. Perfectionists get stuck as do people who self avow to be procrastinators.
First please check in with yourself and evaluate where you are feeling stuck and gain clarity on the topic. Be honest with yourself but also be kind. Being stuck isn’t a character flaw it is a path to be taken and it is information to be gathered. Being stuck is not who you are but what you are experiencing.
Once you have a sense of where you feel stuck do something very counter intuitive. Start finding the areas of your life where you are actually doing well. What parts of your life do you have together and then observe yourself and find out why those areas are feeling successful.
Trust your own patterns that are working for you. Maybe you are disciplined with money or to get to the gym but other areas feel sluggish and slow moving. Find out what you believe in both areas and then find your baby steps within the system you already have in place and tweak it to fit the area that needs work.
Think small and just focus on what is in front of you. Our brains like to go global and overwhelm us. Focus on the task at hand or goal for which you are now dedicated and give it your complete energy.
It is possible to get unstuck and most of the time won't take a whole life overhaul but a few adjustments and bingo you will make progress. What is your one action that you can take today. NOT the whole goal but just one action that you can focus on and hit is like a champion?
Self awareness and one action step with a positive attitude will bring you closer to action than self hatred and self loathing. Be your own best friend and speak well to yourself. Change is hard for most of us and getting unstuck is a challenge worth taking on.
You are designed for growth. Look at what you already know how to do. Where do you want growth? Take one step in that direction and let it be enough for you today.