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Healing Color of Yellow

Personal power! Yellow is the color of the chakra that connects you to your personal power or lack thereof. Learn how to heal your world with color.

Happiness is celebrated as a yellow representation. The color yellow is tied to our emotional world and is said to affect the gut, the nervous system, is tied to the vagus nerve, is affected by trauma and has an influence within the realm of our personal power or lack thereof. Use yellow to build soothing healing, calmness, and joy. When you need to call on personal power, think yellow! Often people who have no courage are called yellow however this is a reflection of the English enemies who attacked an army and wore yellow vests.

Yellow is not considered a strong color or a hard color like red. It is the opposite color of purple on the color wheel and purple is seen as depicting spirituality. Yellow is more whimsical and it should be. Use it to set an intention when you are creating with the energy of joy to make room for new blessings into your life.

Use yellow to strengthen your emotional/body regulation. Yellow communicates positive vibes. Wear it to reinstate your personal power as you work through issues and when you need that boost of confidence, communication, and ease inside. Yellow can lift your spirits.

Also if you feel you have lost personal power. Get a yellow sheet of paper and write out who, what, or where your personal power is. Invite it back and reinstate it with vibrancy. I do a process with my clients where we ‘retrieve’ personal power and call it back. You can begin the process today for yourself by writing the two documents (watch my YouTube video on the topic). Write out where your power is and then another one to reinstate it. Create a folder of important information and file it too. Treat your life with honor and your aspirations with respect.

There’s a wonderful book on power called Power vs Force. Read it and wear yellow while you do and just see what you create!

Yellow is bright and the emotions that go with it are too. Wearing yellow or being around the color can improve alertness and help you to concentrate. Yellow foods will help also. Pineapple delivers bromelain which helps with inflammation. Lemons cleanse the digestion and bring uplifting feelings. Yellow blesses with digestion. Egg yokes are bright yellow and fuel hair growth. Whole grains are a light yellow and ancient grains fuel the body and balance our systems if there are no allergies. Bananas are filled with potassium and the foods that are yellow attract wildlife too. Yellow brightens our world.

Get light from the yellow sun. SAD is seasonal affective disorder and a lack of sunlight can bring on depressed feelings. Use a sun lamp to help with this during the winter. Sunlight also delivers vitamin D and this hormone helps with mood and general health. Experts suggest about 20 minutes a day of natural sunlight on exposed skin to generate vitamin D.

Yellow is a friendly color and wearing it can help others to feel your warmth and vibrancy. It is disarming and welcoming. Decorating with yellow can enhance personal power, focus, and will bring in light. Use soft yellow for a more cuddly feeling and bright to bring a pop to a room.

You can use yellow citrine as a stone you can place in areas of your life where you desire change. Create a yellow section in your home with the Feng Shui map called the Bagua and place crystals where you desire the energy to shift. Use yellow in areas where you are needing vibrancy, bravery, focus. Yellow amber for romance, yellow jasper for confidence.

Use the scent of lemon to pick up your energy and it’s a great refresher for the garbage disposal to keep it fresh.

Our world is full of color and can give us support and assistance as we grow, heal, love, and explore life. Use yellow to enhance and bring joy to your sacred journey.





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