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Healing Color of Orange

Orange is the color of joy and happiness! It brings energy bursts and activity. To awaken and find the necessary lust for life turn to the color orange.

Orange foods bring living vitality especially for vision. Your body needs carotenoids to nourish your sight. Plus folic acid to fight cancer through DNA repairs. Lutein feeds the eyes and gives clarity. These phytonutrients allow the body to reconstruct the components into vitamin A and your sight needs this for good health.

Oranges, mangos, tangerines, peaches all grow ‘above ground’ and give us the looking above and help us to heal and have perspective. Carrots and yams grow below and ‘root’ us in that which we can’t see but is below. And finally there is the ‘middle ground’: squash, pumpkins and cantaloupe that grow on the ground and bring us to the heart center.

Eat orange and find new vital life energy.

Wear orange when you need to boost your spirit and call in a greater abundance of the life force. Calling on orange can help you with your emotional life and to focus on the positives rather than allow your energy to be caught by a thief who wants to drain you and stomp on your brilliant glow. Boundaries in orange will guide you to your own happiness.

Orange crystals can help you to align with your own relationship within: Try wearing or carrying Orange Quart, Orange Agate, Citrine, Carnelian Calcite to name a few. They will inspire your physical body but also your inspiration and creativity. The sexual centers, (they too are filled with creative energy) also will be supported by orange crystals and help you to feel more vital flow and also create appropriate boundaries if you find you are ‘weak at the knees’ for someone who is not good for you.

It is believed in healing work that orange heals the lymphatic system and supports the flow of the vital life source energy. Circulation is everything. If you need to heal-you need proper circulation and lymphatic cleansing.

Orange blesses the area below the belly button in the pelvic region. Relationship chakra. Nourishment into this center will help you to create healthier relationships-starting with yourself.

Decorate with orange and especially use it in the area of energy in the home called Fame in Feng Shui. Orange brings in those contact people and gets you noticed. Orange will help you to create and flow. Wear it, decorate with it, eat it, smell it through using essential oils, and watch the orange sunset too for peace and knowing that creation is always flowing through beginnings and endings.

Orange is a wonderful inner child color and can bring back playfulness into your life too. Spend one day a week in a color and see what benefits it brings to you.

Go orange and giggle this week! If you need help finding your mojo in orange reach out and let’s get to work together and find your personal color wheel.





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