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Healing Color of Blue

Color therapy has been used by many cultures. Colors can stimulate or soothe and influence our moods. Color influences the energy of our homes and can grab our attention. Color has meaning and blue is a divine healing color.

When I look at the healing color blue I’m reminded to just look up in the open sky and see how we are surrounded by this hue of warmth and light. The sky is vast and also the ocean and waterways bring our attention to the blue, aqua, and seafoam blend of the colors of both the heavens and the water bodies that give people comfort too.

I love the blue time of night when the sun has set and there is just enough of a hint of blue still giving calm, blue color to the evening sky. Blue brings a feeling of trust and it calms the nervous system.

The throat chakra is blue and when we put our attention on it we can be mindful and speak in a more easy fashion, with power, flow and truth. Sometimes when we feel blue we might be blocked in this area of the body.

Foods can bless us with their color and besides blueberries, (one of my favorites) there are not many blue foods, more on the purple-bluish side of the spectrum. Blue can neutralize appetite so perhaps it isn’t prevalent for this reason in the food kingdom.

Some believe blueberries help us communicate with the angels. Wear blue when you want to feel peaceful and innocent. Decorate with blue to bring in vital life energy such as when you want to create healing. Blue blankets are great for comfort and healing. Blue tansy is a healing oil. Blue flower remedies and blue crystals to add to your healing tool box. You can soak in a tub with blue bath salts, (watch my YouTube channel to see how to make them yourself!).

Blue in energy as I see it is the healing light of God. Tap into blue and heal or bring comfort into your world.





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