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Do It This Time! Real Resolutions!

We love beginnings. Beginnings are fresh and new. They crank start the engine and have a promise of hope. There is excitement and it can generate a feeling of sticktoitiveness.

A New Year is a great time to start fresh and to conquer some goals but how to create a lasting effect, a compound effect, where efforts build on each other and just don’t fizzle out. Here is a simple process to teach your brain how to finish things and how to stick to it. It is a process that you can cycle back through and it will become familiar giving it renewed power as you practice.

Real resolutions need real resolve. Without resolve it is just a toss of the dice.

R- is for reflection. Get started where you left off. What is one thing you really, really, wanted to do last year or the year before and just haven’t done it? You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Maybe you already have a desire and this time you can do it. Reflection is often the best place to start and it can feel great to finally finish what you have wanted to do for a long time.

E- is for evolve. Create the end result in your mind for the project as your second step. Have a clearly held vision for your project or goal. Feel it, see it, touch it and know it in your mind and your imagination.

S- is for strategy. What will it take to do what you want to do? Mind map it out on paper and make a list. Brainstorm and remember this is not to overwhelm you but to give you your blueprint. After you have this part then every day you will take dice and roll it. It puts an element of playfulness into the mix. The number you roll is the steps you take for that day. You roll three then it’s three steps. You already have your blueprint. A six you might do several small steps, a one might be a large step. Have fun but remember step by step you will win the day.

O- is for observation. How do you talk to yourself? What are your beliefs? This is where a coach can come in handy to help you resolve any blocks that are holding you back. Learn to observe yourself!

L- is for leverage. Can be done by force or power or just an advantage. Do what gives you leverage. Bet on yourself and set yourself up for success. Look at your project. Where is your leverage? Stay open to new ideas and feedback.

V- is for velocity. Objects speed going in a certain direction. You are the object! You know the direction! Stay aligned and pick up the speed, or maybe slow it down but stay on course. Be clear about direction and speed.

E- is for evaluation. Take a day every week and evaluate. Look at what you are doing. Grade yourself with compassion but do require accountability so you are present with the tasks at hand. Now go back to the top of the steps at this point and clarify your projects, goals, and intentions. Make changes if needful. Don’t be afraid to go a different direction if you feel inspired to do so. Gain the perspective you will need by reviewing your work.

You are a natural born creator. We all are. We need steps to help us succeed. Here is a process to help this New Year be your best year.

If I can help or to sign up to work with me just email at






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