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Am I Lovable?

So many question their own value and worth. Many of us have had conditioning throughout life to make us doubt this and to lose self confidence and direction. There are souls who self sabotage due to the lack of understanding that each of us are of great value and it is not public opinion that decides our worth.

Every human being has flaws and challenges. This doesn’t make you broken. You may know you have pain and suffering. That may be clear and is actually very useful. Knowing when you have hit the pain barrier and it feels unbearable is a point for restoration if used wisely. I tell my clients that life is often, break down-break through. Sorry it has to be that way but it seems to have it’s merits.

I am here to lay my hands on your heart and fill it with truth. Here is my prayer for you and I ask only that you allow it to settle inside and don’t block it out. Let it rest on you softly and remind you of who you are.

Prayer of worth:

You, dear one, are a star born of wisdom. You are not an accident even if you were not planned by your parents. One far wiser and far more able to see the plan for your life bequeathed you with breath on the day you were born and the whole damn thing started! Life was called into you and each breath is evidence that you are meant to do a good piece of bidding for your God whatever you conceive that Higher Intelligence to be. You are here for a purpose and you have worth and are of great value.

You, dear one, are the moon born of light and you have traveled from a distant place to land on this earth plane to experience the worst of all things and the most mighty of goodness that walks beside the shadow of death. It is a balanced experience and it is only given to the brave. Continue to step forward. You matter.

You, dear one, are born of noble sunlight and matter that can never be created or destroyed but only transformed. You will make mistakes and until you understand the nature of consequences you will run and feel desperate in your point of view about who you are in the eyes of someone who is blind. You will listen to others and make their lies your truth. Be wise and do not allow the forked tongue of another be your unified, focused belief. Trust the love that is in you always.

You, dear one, are of great worth. Do not give up. Do not resist the challenges or give into dark thoughts of ending it all. Stay. Stay because it matters to me. I may never meet you, but you and I are connected. We are all in this together. You must trust the knowing of another who gives you hope and you must place your bet on yourself. You are here for a reason. Be gentle with yourself and please know that you are a shard of divine energy placed ever so carefully exactly where you need to be.

You, dear one, are going to reach heights and teach others. You will do it through words, deeds, inspirations, and kindnesses. You will break bread with those who feel less worthy and it is not your job to save anyone, just tell them the truth-the light of God is in you. Find it and be whole. Not perfect but finding yourself is about gaining new insight that you are not lacking what you need in any part of you. You are beautiful and finding your own way to be complete and express yourself in your own royal heritage. You are the Kingdom that is within.

You, dear one, are love. Be the best version of yourself today and tomorrow will start again and be another chance for growth, inspiration, lessons, and healing. I bless you with endurance and the armour to shield yourself from the darts of despair and to stand after the time of mourning and reclaim life and let it live you fully.





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