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Jobs Wanted by Gifted, Real People

Many people are unemployed currently and you might be one of them. How do you create a dream job when there is so much unemployment or how do you change jobs when you feel trapped by the one you are currently in? You might just want to do something more fulfilling and you are not sure what that might look like.

We all work even if you are unemployed. Life has demands. There are things to do and things to create even if you avidly try to avoid your responsibilities, it will come for you at some point. You can only avoid the grocery store or market for so long until you need things to provide nourishment. You can only avoid your health for so long until you have created a problem that can no longer be put off. You can only avoid dealing with your emotions until some part of your life falls apart. You can only avoid the relationship issue until something has to give. Avoiding is not self direction. Avoiding is not creative energy either. Oftentimes avoiding is survival and coping. It may not be effective but it will be a placeholder until you figure out what to do or what needs to be done figures you out!

Your work may be part of your life that fulfills you and where you find creative outlets. It may be a part of your world that provides nicely for your lifestyle. It may also be a limited aspect of your world and it causes you anxiety and stress and never seems to have potential in it or you have hit the ceiling and you want to go higher. Jobs are a part of life and your work is not obsolete.

If you are ready to at least ask yourself a few questions to get an idea of where you are in your life and what you might want to do differently, first discover the areas of life where you are satisfied and feel in balance. Now in contrast what part of life feels off the mark, areas where you are not satisfied and you want to have a very different experience.

Job satisfaction 101. If you are in an occupation currently then use these questions as guide for deeper exploration and if you are unemployed or not working use the questions as a map for where you have been and it can help you see where you have sold yourself short and need a course correction:

Ask yourself if your job is aligned with your gifts and your talents?

Is your occupation in line with your ethics and values or do you have to sell yourself out to meet the demands of someone else and perhaps do things that feel out of integrity?

Are you making the financial progress that is keeping pace with your development and do you know your value?

Do you feel you are growing and does the job you work at have future potential.

Are you stuck? Have you painted yourself in a corner and see no way out?

Is your job taxing your health, relationships, emotional welfare or even worse do you feel it is endangering you in some way?

Once you have gained a little more perspective on yourself ask a few deeper questions:

What brings me joy and what would I like to spend my time doing?

What gives me a sense of freedom?

What are my gifts and talents?

What beliefs have I been taught that have limited my potential and kept me stuck in a job I am not able to leave, grow with, or that is hurting my life?

What would I like to do in my spare time that lights me up and where I lose track of time?

Make a list of these activities and begin a wish list of possible jobs that you could do or create from your list of ‘things I love to do.’

Make a list of at least 100 things that you could do to make money and then cross off anything that is illegal or would be potentially dangerous but do brainstorm and allow yourself full freedom to design a plan of action.

From your list of 100 possibilities take one-just one and do something with it. If you like photography then take it off your list and within 7 days take an action step towards taking photos and exploring this gift and interest.

Try it for a week and brainstorm on the ways you could turn it into a job. The following week try another one and take an action step. Do this with your top four ideas and after a month of trying new ideas see what you have created and how you just might have discovered a new direction.

Nowadays multiple streams of income are a wise concept and opening up to your own spiritual design and trusting it and exploring it may teach you something about yourself. If it is where you have negative beliefs and you feel stuck that’s where I come in and help you dissolve the blocks and build a better foundation.

It’s a great time to move ahead in a new direction and you have the seeds for your own success planted in your infinite field of possibilities. Today is the day to discover what else is possible.

Blessings and light,


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