Being Present
Henry David Thoreau explained, “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
Our brain likes to loop. It goes down the same track on autopilot if we are not aware of it and challenge the pattern. If you find yourself having the same problem, conversation, frustration or circumstances then you most likely are ‘looping’. Most of it is going to be from past information which means you are not present in your life right now.
It is also a habit to ‘loop’ into the future and it too can automate and keep you frustrated as you will want to control things and have a need to know all the answers without the journey. Life unfolds minute by minute. It is the precious tick-tock of time that gifts us life, breath, experiences and lessons. When we worry about the future and constantly find our attention driven to it then we have lost access to our current moment.
The now lies within us and as much as the past is gone and the future is unfolding the present moment holds the key to how we want the past to influence us and how we empower the future to create for our benefit and blessing.
Just for today living one hour at a time. Our brains are wired for time increments so by giving it some directions it can help train you to live daily with the time you have. The next hour of mindful living is doable. Take the next hour and show up for yourself. Be aware of how you feel, how your body is responding and what your needs are. Breath deeply and listen to what is happening in your world. Feel the clothing you are wearing and taste the food you eat. Discover what it is to be alive right now and let go of figuring everything out today.
The next hour may allow you to calm down, support yourself better, make wise choices for your experiences, and it may just reveal to you a new perspective. Right now look out the window and find out how life is everywhere.
Being present isn’t about everything going your way or things being perfect. It is about being aware and actually giving your world attention. It is about being in your body, your life, for good or bad, up or down, sad or happy, pain or pleasure. It is learning to experience without judgment on the whole of life and not just being focused on the holes in life.
Take the next hour and allow it to be your time to live.
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