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Searching and Reaching

Searching and reaching-my own terms for chasing life or emerging it from within. Work with me as we discuss this and let me know your thoughts and perspective as well.

The ego always keeps you searching and there is no end to the need that drives this type of self exploration. Reaching however is about growth and when it is the driver it will cause you to look within and discover as well as stretch. It has a different mechanism behind it.

Spirituality can come masked at a well outfitted search party. Loads of gear, lots of maps, information out the wazoo (yes a technical term) and frankly not always ladled with common sense but in the doing it feels like there is movement. Yet much like Winnie the Pooh and Piglet getting lost and ending up in the same place all over again we too can wander in the searching mode and end up pretty much where we started.

Rearching is a deeper well. It is stable in its nature and comes from an extension of the self and not a search for that which is outside the self. Reaching is natural in nature as the tree branches reach higher through the forest for sunlight and roots reach deep for moisture. Flowers reach for the sun and follow its pattern for the day. Babies reach for mothers and to reach within ourselves is to have a knowing that what you seek is present.

On your journey I would encourage you to reach and build. I would encourage you to trust that you have greatness in your life purpose and in your soul. It is never too late to start your journey within and find the treasures of your own experiences. I am a skilled guide and have taken that journey within and still continue to do so. I am challenging you today to take one action step to reach deeper.

Meditate on your inner world

Laugh at your outer world

Give 5 items away to clear your space

Add a different color to any room

Write a story from your life and tell it on your terms and conditions

Share with someone why you are satisfied TODAY with your life in one area

Document for yourself one thing you vow to change about your life today

Searching is wrapped in dissatisfaction and often not action steps. Here’s a simple formula to begin to shift your energy, your beliefs, and your world.

Arms open will also create space for your heart to expand and is a gesture to allow you to take into your embrace the good that is here.

You’ve got this! I’m your backyard guru here to cheer you on while you get real with your life and begin to reach for it all. Make an appointment for a complimentary session to see if we are a match to help you grow the best version of you yet! Email me at



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