Motherless Mommies

Motherless Mommies
Mother’s day is a complex holiday. It is particularly difficult in many ways for women who want a child and have not been able to conceive. The longing and questions of the mind and emotional pain can be very destructive to a mommy who can’t have a baby. I wanted to address this before Mother’s day as it can be a blind spot during this holiday. These women often feel invisible and there are reminders everywhere with the focus on mothers. Women who want children and can’t have them go through pain and often deep suffering from the loss of the dream to be a mother. It is a grief process much like the death of someone you are close to and have not met yet.
I did my field work in adoption when I became a Social Worker. The young women who were becoming mothers and were not ready for a child also had to go through deep suffering, self doubt, second guessing and grief before they even knew if giving their child to a family was the right decision for them. It was usually a long difficult road. Babies are darling and tiny and to go through nine months of sacrifice growing them in the womb and the painful process of birth only to hold the tiny, little beauty and stay resolved to do what is in the best interest of the baby and herself as well was no easy task. I saw brave young women grow their hearts from orney teenagers to solid old women energy as they peered into the future and said, “It is best for this baby to go to a family. I gave this baby life and they will give it a future.” It was an unselfish love that only mommies have to give.
I watched as these young women cradled their baby’s one last time and said goodbye and handed the baby to me. I then drove to the meeting place to hand the new mother her gift. It was all very emotional and spiritual chaos on some level. The Universe flowing directives to support this iddy, biddy baby and to trust that there is an Infinite Intelligence who knows how the whole thing is supposed to work out.
Some women want a child and don’t feel aligned with adoption and that’s such a personal experience and I don’t believe you can do it wrong it just is all very complex and it is best to align with what feels right and true to the heart.
While I drove to the meeting place I would pray over the child and bless his or her journey. I would speak to the child of what was taking place as I believe the spirit residing within would understand and adjust more naturally with truthful information given.
For motherless mommies who hurt on Mother’s day I am remembering you today. I am feeling with you and acknowledging you today. If a child does not come into your experience then I encourage you to know that there is a great Infinite Intelligence that will guide you to know your answers and where to put all that pure mothering energy and how to direct it for good into the world and into your field of influence.
I send you love and if I may assist you in your journey I am here to serve.