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Live on Purpose

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

To take an account of your life and the influence you have created so far and to wonder at a deeper level, What else might I do or be? How do we move forward into our life purpose and in fact how do we discover the very thing we are here to do? Ralph Waldo Emerson gave us a few clues: Life is not meant to be self serving, nor is it meant to be just self indulgent, all the while seeking only for our own pleasures which we might call happiness.

To discover the flow of Divine light within you look for the ways you naturally are able to lift others and look to where you are easy within yourself and it is beneficial to life. It might be something as private as writing a poem for someone or taking time to visit with a lonely soul. Your purpose will be a natural way that you bless others. There will not be force or ‘efforting’ it will have a gift tied to it and that’s where the easiness flows from. The easy doesn't mean there won’t be work or that you won’t need to fine tune yourself but it will have a fulfillment and naturalness that stems from your purpose.

Your purpose will have a usefulness to it and again it will give you fulfillment in the process of sharing. When you have a sense of what it is then go towards it and be as non-resistant as possible. Going towards it means that you are not chasing it and forcing it. Best to allow a butterfly to land on you rather than chase it and cause a broken wing.

Find what brings honor to you, your people, and your Divine Source. Your life purpose will give a respectable path for you to follow and then you can know the way for others to follow. Compassion is our other word to host the journey. In Spanish the word com means with. With passion. Compassion is such a beautiful trait as it is soul work and heart work to gift to others an understanding and love even when they may be missing the mark. Compassion is kindness mixed with non-judgment. It is a way into the heart and a way out of trouble. Our purpose tied to compassion will lift feeble hands and steady moments with weak knees.

Make a difference is a daily small to do list. It is living in your purpose and having made a decision with your values system. Know yourself first. Know your values. Know your target and then allow the purpose and energy to flow into you like a mighty wind.

Your purpose will grow more distinct as you learn about yourself and then give the very best of yourself to others. I love to help others discover how to find their purpose. Set up an appointment and let’s get to work putting your feet solidly on the path to your reason, your why, your purpose.

Love abounding,

Rainbow Abegg

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