Learning to live in a more isolated life can be an opportunity to learn to listen at a deep level. We have two ears and one mouth as the adage says so we have the opportunity to listen more than we speak. Maybe if we listen then when we speak our words will have more meaning, power, purpose and intention.
Murphy is the star of my Murphy moments on Instagram. It’s fun and playful wisdom. Notice his big ears give him the look of an attentive listener. We would all do well to be present when others are talking with us and to give them our attention. My daughter calls his ears ‘bat ears’. He picks up on everything.
While you spend more time alone listen to what is going on in your world. Even the sound of silence can be a deep, spiritual experience if you allow it to speak to you.
Go into your heart and listen to the voice within. Have you noticed that the word heart has the word ear build into the middle of it. It has a message for you today. Close your eyes, breath deeply and listen to the message. What is within your heart and what does it wish to speak to you?
The word heart also contains the word ‘art’. Listening to your heart is an art form. To trust yourself and allow it to show you the art of your life. We are all creators and each day we must strive to find the meaning, value, expression and message for our lives. Now more than ever pay attention and don’t just live on an automated level of habits formed over years of the same beliefs, the same fears, the same resentments, the same patterns. Today listen to everything!
Today listen to your partner, your child, your pet, your neighbor (from 6 feet away please), listen to the wind, the birds, the sounds and humming reality of the inner sanctuary of your home. Listen to your mind and challenge it’s chatter. Listen to your heart and trust it.
Last summer I got a new bank card and the picture I selected for the card was a black dog. Today when I used it I realized how much it looks like Murphy. I think I may have helped my daughter manifest him! I did not want a dog. I did not want to take care of a dog. Been there and done that. I love dogs and just didn’t want to recreate that. My daughter was late getting up. I had to take the dog out today. I sat down with Murphy (I often just rush him out and he resists), I said, “I didn’t want responsibility for you. I don’t want to hear you bark today. I hope you can understand.” He looked at me and listened. Dogs are profoundly good at listening. He then went out happily to play outside. None of the usual resistance and he’s had a quiet day. I think he might have just needed a minute.
Today take a minute. Listen.
I send love and light,