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Hope Anyway

Hope Anyway

The book, The Prayer Tree, is one of my stories from childhood. It is a story about a miracle and the power of belief. I hoped anyway even when I was told that the peach tree was a dead tree.

Please right now in this moment lay your hand on your heart be believing in hope. It is an energy and it is unseen, unproven (yet), and is not something you get first -it is a result!

I can't see all that will come to pass. I don't know the answers to all the questions being asked. I wonder how all this unfolds as a miracle called life. It will. I'm certain of it.

Dark days pass. Ask a better question and wait patiently for it to be revealed. Miracles happen and we entertain angels unaware. Be hopeful as the sun rises and give thanks as it sets.

Hope is a mindset and a choice. It is very nonresistant and is filled with light and promise. Despite all the challenges right now and the downright frightening news that is all around with a worldwide pandemic we are also finding goodness in others and the ability to choose the higher road and to love even in the face and fear of death and sickness.

Hope is a bid to God to say that you believe in right action, integrity, life, and that you raise your hand to the Universe and say, “Pick me, pick me, I believe things will work for my world.”

Even when the shadow crosses the threshold, when fear makes your hair stand up on the back of your neck, when death visits or when everything is unpredictable please stand with me and say, “I have hope anyway.”

Blessings and safe keeping,


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