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Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29: 11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In times of trouble you find out who you are and others will also reveal who they are. Fear often brings out the deepest trouble in people and the worst behavior. As our world is facing a virus of major proportions please find your virtues within and maximize the goodness of your own soul.

Resilience- make the best of each day and know that this too shall come to pass. Talk to yourself in the mirror and reassure yourself. Life knows how to sort itself out. Trust it.

Hope- better days are coming. There may be shadow moments but find a moment of gratitude and know you are watched over by a Higher Intelligence that has a plan.

I’m in here- lay your hand on your heart and remind yourself of this truth. You are inside and you must take care of yourself and be in allowing as the story of life unfolds. Don’t let go of yourself.

There is always a future but we arrive into it by living right now.

Please be the blessing and don’t panic and make yourself worn out from fear and upset.

I posted a video on our dog Murphy. He is wise and is protective. He looks out for us but he still chases his ball and plays. He’s onto something.

Trust in your Source and trust that there is a plan for your life and that you are meant for wonderful moments and hope. We are blessed to be on the earth. I send love and the Holy Medicine of healing to all. We are connected. Amen!

If I can help or you just need a quick session to get wisdom or advice please feel free to email as I also do all types of sessions from coaching, to energy healing, inner child work as well as email advice and readings.



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