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Inner Child Work Begins

The inner child is within you. It is a magical aspect that can help you create and it has the power to also lock you down until you deal with the deeper issues. I love to take people through a spiritual meditation to have the first hand experience of finding the inner child however you can begin your inner child work by making some notes on yourself. Make a little assessment for yourself. This is a self evaluation that is in my book that I am writing and can help you begin to make some personal discoveries.

Snapshot view:

  1. Where do you feel unhappy and stuck?

  2. What do you dream about instead?

  3. Find the disconnections and limiting beliefs.

  4. Do proper Inner Child Mirroring for a healthy new outcome!

Inner Child Assessment Expanded:

Do you feel stuck? Finding the same patterns in your life and you feel lost to make the needed changes?

Make a list of what is not going well or where you don’t feel good in your life. This will help you to know what is brewing in the world of the inner child. It is a snapshot of unresolved issues and stuck energy. Loads of limiting beliefs and unprocessed pain.

Next write a list of dreams you want to fulfill. What is your wish list? Allow yourself to play out your honest desires even if you do not currently know how it could be fulfilled or even if you do not ‘yet’ feel worthy. We’ll get there. Healing is a process.

Now look for the disconnects. Where do you notice the dividing line?

Inner Child Mirroring: This is where you look for that pattern even in small ways in your past. What beliefs or experiences did you have that mirror the disconnection. Discover and journal on the matter and write a new direction for yourself in one area. Just pick one. Do not overwhelm your little child inside.

I Am Stuck Example:

This is my stuck area! I want a romantic partner. I want to be in love and have a great companion but I am not having success. I am not dating or at least not dating people who are wanting what I want or who seem healthy and ready for a relationship.

Dream and Desire Example:

I dream of being in love with a healthy, fun, romantic partner who is caring and shows me love. I feel I deserve a great companion who is ready for a fully committed relationship. I desire a partner who will be hard working, able to play and who is compatible with my lifestyle.

Disconnection- Example of the Dividing Line:

The disconnection will tell you where you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

I am dating people who are emotionally unavailable. They seem excited and then pull away and disappear. I date people who are struggling with employment and want to do things that do not interest me.

Inner Child Mirroring: Write a new option for yourself. Get clear on one belief and target it to work on with your child within. In the example it might be a belief that love is in short supply so you must take what you can get. Tell the child within that you are love and that as you build your relationship with yourself that love will be strong enough to draw in the perfect mate. Take the week to journal and discover all the ways you have been settling and then write an encouraging page to your child.

Enjoy the process and give your child a hug from me! I am the Fairy Godmother to all the inner children of the world. I give each of you my love.


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