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Happy Vowelentine's Day

Vowelentine’s Day

February is replete with romantic love messages and many people learn to disengage from the holiday or even resent it if they don’t have a significant other. All those romantic ideas can fall short if you are not ‘in love’. This Valentine’s day season I wanted to address self love and the impact it can have as you claim the right to love yourself and focus on that for Valentine’s day this year.

The vowels a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y are typically necessary to form words in English with limited exceptions like the word shhh. Other languages follow different patterns but vowels to a large extent still play an important role. Let’s consider for the purpose of this blog that self love can be based on the vowels and their importance to give language to mingle with the consonants to form full, complete words.

Vowelentine’s day begins with self love in the letter a.

A is for the meaning and experience of being alone. We are taught that it is a great quality to learn to be alone. Modern thought tells us to in fact be independent and to be healthy we must learn to enjoy being alone. Perhaps, but is that the whole truth? We are social creatures and being in the group helps to ensure survival so as much as learning to be alone can help us to have personal strength. It is also part of our genetic makeup to be with others. Here’s the meaning I take from this. Healthy social support is a great thing to build in your world. Create connections that help to strengthen your life and add stability to your momentum. Bond with others and have healthy boundaries too so you can keep yourself in a good place. Have values that guide your life. Don’t sell yourself short to be liked or to keep relationships. Being alone is a great source of strength when we know we can take care of ourselves and be a source unto ourselves. It is also healthy to have others in our lives and it doesn’t have to be romantic. Find meaningful connections by volunteering, going to support groups or hobby groups, build friendships and strengthen family bonds if possible. Being alone is an okay place to be and it can give you a wonderful time to develop and learn about yourself. Also, alone time is restoring time when you learn to practice self care. Be your own Valentine this year by celebrating ‘a’ for alone. Be pleased in your life with the sacredness of being single. That could change at any moment! We help regulate each other’s nervous systems so relationships can be wonderful too but if you are alone, find ways to regulate yourself and enjoy being your own best friend.

E is for entourage. Entourage is your own group of people who gather around to meet the needs of someone important. You are the someone. If you are alone who are the people to be your entourage. Get creative. Gift yourself a massage. Touch is healing and important. Body work can help you to release emotions and not allow stress to be trapped in your body. Go to a sound healing gathering with singing bowls or do another group activity that gives you a buddy system. Look up meet up groups in your area, library events or a local college. Find your peeps and create your social network. I have a dear friend who sings in local choirs and uses her gifts to bless others and to fulfill herself through vocal expression and the joy it gives to her soul.

If you want friendships then ask the Universal Mind to send you souls to create those bonds with. Give yourself a life filled with your entourage that lights up your world. It may be uncomfortable and you might need to change. Try it!

I is for the inner self. What is your I am inside trying to tell you? Write a journal page from the capital I inside.

I need . . . I desire . . . I surrender . . .I claim . . . I hate . . . I love . . . I restore . . . I embrace.

Get to know yourself. You can fall in love with yourself when you take the time to get to know yourself and build a relationship with the I that is you.

Affirmation for the I: “I now give myself over to my deep inner knowing and I forgive myself and offer the deepest loving connection to the one within.”

O is for outstanding. Self love is not based on self approval. It is self acceptance. Outstanding could be a bill that you forgot to pay. Oops! That is where you fell short. Outstanding could also be where you have done something far better than expected and in comparison it is rated highly above the average. We will have some of both in our experiences. As we love ourselves in the oops and the above than average we score big in our own life. I love me on my ups and my downs. Whoo who! I know how to be there for me as a tried and true friend. Be outstanding in your own relationship and just watch what happens when your opinion matters more than anyone else’s!!!

U is for ugly. Come on we all have some ugly thing in our lives. An ugly memory, an ugly belief, an ugly body part (or so we judge), an ugly thing we avoid like our finances or fitness, an ugly person who abused us or judges or just wants what you can’t give them and they hurt you for having boundaries. Life has some ugly in it. Embrace the ugly and find the beauty in everything. People leaving has some beauty in the ugly. Your job may have some ugly that encourages you to do better for yourself and pushes you to dig deeper. Memories can ugly you into a healing crisis. Bulging body parts can urge you to work out. Ugly is part of self love as we accept where we are and make either peace with it or a plan of action. Either way- ugly is beautiful.

And sometimes y.

Why. Why is a universal question that each soul must find the answers too. The letter y is right before the end. After y comes z. Once you know the y then it’s almost over. Isn’t that so true? Find out why you stayed so long in a toxic relationship and then it’s time to heal yourself and leave. Find out why you emotionally eat and then you can stop. The why is right at the end of a new beginning. Love yourself enough to ask why! Love yourself enough to hear the answer and then take your z and scat!

Make this Happy Vowelentine’s day is your best ever. Practice being alone and being okay with it. Give yourself the entourage and connection you deserve and desire. Take your inner “I” to dinner and find out more about yourself. I promise-you are interesting. Believe in your story. Discover yourself. Be outstanding and accept yourself. You are worth loving. You are always enough. Life has some ugly in it. Embrace the pace and stay in the race. Every ugly has a counterpart of beauty built into it. Find your why and capture the lesson. Right around the corner is the end and a beginning. At the end of everyday say shhh to anything that makes you split from your own self love base. Be your own bestie and don’t let it in. Look in the mirror every morning and say, “You're mine and I love you.”

Happy Vowelentine’s day. Make it the fullest, best day this year!



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