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Be Who You Are

Life is automated in many ways. Our bodies grew in the womb from a chemical combustion called fertilization and things automated to grow at the proper time and place. It was divine orchestration. We started this journey from a series of automated responses and we often are continuing to run our lives the same way. However, now we have options.

Options are when there are several opportunities and you get to pick. Becoming who you are is an awareness exercise. It is when you realize you have options and you start to design the life you desire and how you want to participate in it. To believe you are stuck is an illusion. It too can begin to feel automated due to a lifetime of conditioning. Conditioned responses are very natural in your world and it takes stepping back from your routines, beliefs, common phrases, and reactions to ask a deeper question.

I offer a sample of a few deeper questions:

  1. Is this thought, action, reaction, belief, routine, comment really mine?

  2. Do I really feel aligned with this situation, outcome, or direction?

  3. Do my thoughts, feelings or beliefs belong to me or have I been indoctrinated to this pathway?

  4. What do I really want in my life, my direction, my target goals?

  5. Do I believe what I have been taught and do I believe the thoughts that follow?

  6. Am I true to myself?

  7. Do I know myself?

First explore and get more information on yourself. Once you feel more directed in your new ideas, beliefs, direction, etc. Then take an action step. Just one to start. It might be you voice your opinion or that you say no to someone when it means being true to yourself.

You might do an activity that you have always wanted to do and don’t.

You might start a spiritual practice that gives you stress relief like meditation or yoga.

Make a list of what you know about yourself and the things you like and want to experience.

Make a list of your short comings and do so without shame. Where is your life not moving forward and where are you stuck? This is the workbook pages of your life.

WARNING: People won’t like it when you change. People will want you to stay the same because it is working for THEM! There will be push back most likely and it will be uncomfortable. Do it anyway. Let the haters speak but don’t promote their agenda. Let the chaos happen because freedom is bought for price. If people don’t like you then get over it because it won’t kill you but stress can. Living an inauthentic life will steal your health.

Becoming who you are is a glorious path. It is the stepping stones into heaven and there will be peril along the way. I say bring it!

Remember you have a Source that is far more knowledgeable about the whole game of life so tap into that Infinite Intelligence and trust your inspiration and the journey.

Be who you are. It is your sacred life.

If I may help you along your journey then I am honored. Namaste.

Warmth and love,


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