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A Peek at Pain and Suffering

“To find yourself in the midst of suffering is an effective way to grow, develop your virtues, and to gain depth. To lose yourself in suffering is to dissolve into the mass consciousness of hopelessness, despair, and pain. Pain can be the catalyst for remarkable accelerated growth or it can be the means of becoming small and unable to get out of the maze of beliefs that are holding you hostage. Brave on and trust in your dark moments as well as the light.”

~Rainbow Abegg

I asked a man who had been betrayed by business partners and suffered other hurt in relationships what he made of his sufferings. He sat deep in thought and then said that his suffering gave him a chance to find his strength. Where he had allowed others to use him and abuse him became his moment of reclaiming of himself. He in other words developed boundaries. He found his strong side and began to rebuild his career and is now a top chemist in his field running his own company. His underdog story was not his pain story that he was attached to and he built a new belief system from the pain. Which is now is success.

Pain is a classroom.

Pain is a process that can be a classroom for lessons to live by. Pain does not have to keep you back and force you to continue in your present circumstances. Pain can be fuel. Fuel to move.

I have known many who turned love away because they had not yet faced their own history and the suffering of the past and pain was still directing their lives and they simply were unable to maintain a relationship.

Others suffer from financial pain and misuse of their own funds, (or others abuse them financially) because they don’t have a good relationship with their money. Again, pain can come to us in many forms.

Health can be another form of pain and suffering. A myriad of reasons why the body can be in the state of suffering.

Life is an adventure and on this trek is loss of loved ones through death, break-ups, betrayals, offenses. We can experience pain from many areas from money, personal safety, health issues, and in perspective.

Holding patterns. The body records our story. It is your historian. It ‘feels’ your emotions, your pain, your success, it celebrates the love and goes into the pit with you in darkness, and is warmed by the light in life. Your body knows you. Your body records your suffering. Your body is a creature of habit.

Knowing this you can begin today to start to alleviate suffering and pain. Give your body some support. Self care and a different pattern to follow. Change your routine. If the body is ‘trained’ into the suffering you can feed it differently, move it differently, and talk to it in a new way. Tell yourself a new story about healing and happiness. It is a start. It is not about denial. It is knowing there is neuro science behind this and the study of our body and the brain. A simple change can help the brain and body start new habits.

Find the strengths you have developed or even wish to develop from your trials and write them down. Focus daily on the virtues you are growing and how you are choosing a virtue in your character daily. Do something different for the body today. It will take awhile for your body to catch up to the new belief system but trust that it will.

Trust your journey. Trust the trials as much as the joy in life.

Christ in his darkest day asked repeatedly, “Is there no other way?” He was told, “There is no other way. Go forward.” He also said, “I am the light and the life of the world.” I remind myself each day that I have a light to shine and a life to give to make the world a better place. I ask myself in my trials these questions:

  1. If there is no other way then I must choose to be non resistant and have an open willing heart to learn and emerge stronger and brighter on the other side. How can I do this?

  2. How can I shine my life and life to the world?

  3. What do I need to do for my body today so it is getting a truthful message and I am reprogramming it with a new set of beliefs. The answer in self care is always wrapped in love.

Enjoy this video suggestion and know I send love to your suffering and light to your path.


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