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You are the Fruit of YOUR life

Look for and expect holiday magic moments! Every holiday I put it out to the Universe that I intend to have a special experience. Then I wait! It comes sometimes in a quiet conversation or a meaningful gift. It might be a story I hear or one I write. It might be a person I meet or a spiritual moment when just God and I are in conversation. These magic moments allow me to fall even deeper in love with life. This holiday (holy day) let yourself gather in love and light for life. Measure your life with sample scoops of joy, self-care, adventure, and peace. What makes your life feel like your life? Give that to yourself for the holidays. Measure out what ingredients makes you feel your value and what gives you the most access to the love within? These will be the fruits of the season for you. These fruits will be your magic moments! Let your inner child guide you and find the things that delight you inside.

Sometimes we get trapped in expectations that weigh us down and even traditions can become a burden. We can have a sense of pressure to do things a certain way and get lost in the stress. You are not going to do it wrong. Don’t measure yourself with a false scale.

The measure of a soul. What means and methods do we have as standards to measure a person? We all have conditioning. The subconscious mind is trained in childhood into, customs, beliefs, traditions, limiting beliefs, and an assortment of other indoctrination. We are an assortment of dogma. How do we measure each other? What have we been taught? How do those teachings control us and guide us as well? What is truly aligned with love? What are our judgments and fears that we put up as barriers to keep us from trusting and connecting? What bars us from our love within ourselves? It is a difficult lesson to learn to love yourself after all there is so much conditioning with conditional love which isn’t really love at all. Plus add the flaws and mistakes and those fears and judgments. To learn to love oneself is a quest and to learn to love another is a spiritual awakening. You must be vulnerable enough to be seen, felt, heard. To be raw and open and taken in by the Universe.

A bible verse states, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Fruits. That seed which grew into its completed form. From the exchange of divine feminine and masculine into a new unique seed. That seed then must face the seasons and storms and constant change and challenge to grow into fruition. It will germinate and begin its adventure to become its destiny, for the infinite intelligence know what has been cast in that seed. At the peak it is ripe and ready to be picked. It has become the fullness of it’s design.

You have a spiritual design unique to you! Be the fruit that you are and let your own tree of life flourish by being true to yourself. Be in love with yourself and your life. Create from this seed and you will find your way!

Blessings and happy holidays!


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