Mind Poisoning
My daughter recently had food poisoning. She thought. Maybe the stomach flu going around as it seemed to follow the symptoms many were experiencing. The body knows when it has something in it that must go. It will purge relentlessly to get the poison out of the system. It will burn a fever, vomit, empty the bowels. The body knows it has a job to do and it must save it’s occupant. Very loyal is the body. I see the body as loving us unconditionally. The body takes many hits in life. It is an intricate system of delicate balance.
The mind on the other hand is not so aware of the poison it is offered. The mind will take data and as children it builds programs off of the teachings of others. Those programs can create experiences which create beliefs that morph into dogma and it can lead to a lifetime of keeping the poison in the mind. To purge the mind takes awareness and insight.
Emotions can play into the story as well. Emotional reactions can trigger and give ‘evidence’ to the story of the subconscious programming. We can learn to guide the emotions and self soothe as a method of debunking false beliefs, and purging the mind of poisonous thoughts and beliefs.
Learn to observe. Check in with self and actually see how you feel, and where you are on the scale of emotional wellness or if you are in discomfort. Learn to simply ask a better question.
When you are stressed or anxious, ask yourself: “Is what I am feeling true?” Truth feels good, a lie does not. Then ask: “Is this mine?” If it is not take a deep breath and blow it out of the body and into the miracle healing energy around you and let it be carried away. This will not cause harm. Learn to question rather than react and train yourself to allow release.
If it doesn’t feel good it is poison. The truth may not feel easy but it will direct you into light and a better way.
Triggers give us healing clues and guidance to allow us to let go of mind poison. Then you can begin to feed the mind the truth. Affirmations and loving thoughts. The body will respond as will the mind and the emotions. Learning to soothe self is a great skill!
I send love to your world. It is in the making. It is truth based.