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A Year of Mastery Begins Today

Year of Mastery

The new year is born fresh and new! Every day is your next step into your new year filled with infinite possibilities. Allow the beauty of the life ahead to fill you with curiosity and love. Be mindful to create but do not form attachments to the outcome. If you are feeling resistance as you begin the process take heart. It is normal to discover your limiting beliefs and blocks which give you vital information. Be not weary in well doing. Proceed with caution and a smile. Allow those resistant feelings to transform into their exalted state and be in agreement to take baby steps!

Native American culture chooses a new word for a new year to power that year with energy and flow. It is a directive to govern your time and give form to your world. Pick a word today to guide your life. I write the word on a strip of cloth and then tie in on a branch of my 75 year old apricot tree. My word is sanctified under the sun, the stars, and the moon. It endures all weather and seasons. Our words are strong and give guidance as you can see the tree from my kitchen window. Our tree is an old grandmother tree holding secrets and rooting in love for over 75 years of standing firm and bearing fruit. She has been pruned and she has bloomed. She is gnarled and ornate in her simple wisdom. Find your word and tie in on a tree or write it on a rock and ‘plant’ it outside!

Life Review

What were your greatest blessings as of today? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What was your deepest lesson and greatest gain from the past? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What was your most painful moments and have you forgiven them?


What was your best memory?


What do you like best about yourself today? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now look ahead!!!

Soul works: what spiritual quality or experience do you want to claim for yourself?


Body works: what physical need do you get to address this year and claim back your power in a bodily manifestation (lose weight, tone up, eat healthy, get enough sleep, join a gym, quit smoking, start walking?)


Mind works: what ability or mind set do you get to claim this year? (Thought hygiene, meditation, awareness, affirmations, etc)


Emotional works: What emotional victory are you claiming? (A new agreement with self about who you are, a feelings notebook, a mantra that allows you to choose a new emotion, a process to get your emotions unblocked like a clearing).


Relationship works: What would you like to create in your relationships ( do you need healing, forgiveness, new skills, communication class, reading books, attending classes, spending quality time).


Your physical world: What do you need to clean, de-junk or repair? Make a list and each week do a project.


You business or career: What one quality would help to posture you for success? Pick one that is doable.


Write a love letter to yourself to be opened on you next birthday. Write about how you are advancing in these areas and how much love you have for your desire to gain mastery. Write about being patient and taking baby steps. Write about and see the vision for your success. This is your blueprint. Complete on another piece of paper and use this for brainstorming.


Write a release letter to two beliefs that no longer serve you or two goals you didn’t reach and keep beating yourself up over. Burn it or bury it as a symbol of letting them go.


Write a thank you letter every month to someone who has made a difference in your life. Keep a record of who you sent it to and photo copy the letter for your journal.

List three things you deeply desire in your life: Then give them away to someone else. Open yourself for room to also receive.


Be curious this year: Try one new thing each month. Keep a list and write about it in your journal. Grow courage and take a risk. Comfort zone challenge accepted!


Keep a page of things that make you smile or funny things that happen to you. See how much joy is already in your life. Practice smiling!


Write a love letter to your home and thank it for its shelter.


What would recharge my inner world? Thoughtfully figure this out and begin the sacred practice of doing those things:


What four topics you want to learn about: Read and study on these subjects and teach someone what you learn.


Have one day a month be a yes day: on the day you will say yes to everything that comes to you. What magic happens when you practice saying yes?


Where have you over scheduled yourself or be untrue to self? Say no in those areas. What are they:


Mastery happens while you are living life. Baby steps and focus and selective choices. You are the one who moves the needle on the dial. You must be in love with yourself and your life to gain mastery. Pay attention to where you are speaking ill to self and banish that shadow voice. Take notes first and then you can process those rogue thoughts and beliefs. They are tools for deeper work, but do not allow that voice to be the authority in your head.

Permission slip:

I have permission to live a beautiful life on my terms. I can make mistakes and still accelerate. I can try new things and feel dumb and silly. I can be good and things and celebrate being successful and awesome. I can celebrate others too.

I have permission to be me.


Signed Signed by Rainbow Abegg

I love me. I am a powerful source of light and joy. I can stand in my power and be comfortable in my own skin. I forgive the past. Live in the present. And look forward to the bright future.

My promise to fail this year at a few things and keep a record of my goof ups so I can know I am stretching myself.


The New Year is Born Every New Day

By Rainbow Abegg

A year is born each day and is brand new.

Let it be in awe of its clean, innocent, now!

Be in your life fully present.

Call in what you must create and release what you must let go of.

Show this new potential your might.

Be filled with courage and resolve.

Settle not for anything less than the divine would bestow upon you the beloved.

You are the beloved because you exist.

You have not earned it.

You have not been your own creator and yet within the mystery you do orchestrate!

Be in your power and light.

Be the love that you are.



A new day is now bestowed and you may take it into your palm as star dust and wish beauty into your life.

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